MAriska MA Veepilaikaliyamma-Eco-spiritual Earth-Nature Goddess Art

Moon Tortoise Dancing with the Waxing Moon Goddess (2021)

56x59 cm ~ Painting, Pigments, Fabric

Buy the original: €790.00 + Shipping
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Moon Tortoise Dancing with the Waxing Moon Goddess and the Stars

The Moon Tortoise invites you to embrace a different understanding of time. Often, people perceive time as scare and have the feeling that there is never enough time. This attitude creates a lot of stress and leads often to burn-out and depression. How would you feel if you know that there is always enough time for finishing all your goals, projects and tasks? Would it be a great liberation? The Moon Tortoise travels with the cyclic time of The Moon Goddess and shows you that there is always the time your own path realising your dreams. Move on step by step, do not get exhausted, you have all the time that you need. If you feel overwhelmed and under pressure, stop for a few minutes - the Moon Tortoise wants to share her time secrets with you!


Available as prints from €30

Reproductions, Canvas prints, Metal Print

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