MAriska MA Veepilaikaliyamma-Eco-spiritual Earth-Nature Goddess Art

Secret messages (2021)

46x59 cm ~ Painting, Pigments, Tempera, Fabric

Buy the original: €590.00 + Shipping
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Secret messages of the Cave Goddess, Bat Goddess and New Moon Goddess

The Bat Goddess shows the way to a secret cave, hidden in midst a dark forest. It is a magickal journey of healing and transformation. The Moon Goddess has chosen her dark dress – a mysterious New Moon Night. Following a narrow path, the entrance of the secret cave appears. The Bat Goddess guides to the innermost chamber where the Cave Goddess resides and reveals the secrets of archaic wisdom, having the ability to change your life in a profound way.


Available as prints from €30

Reproductions, Canvas prints, Metal Print

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